Events Calendar

Galley Night (Year End Picture Party)
Saturday, March 04, 2017, 18:00 - 20:30
Hits : 2505

It's time for another IOC ‘Gallery Night’ party to share our favorite photos from this past year's IOC events. Please bring along photos you have taken in the past 12 months (or older photos for the “history" category) and we'll enjoy looking at and voting for them over some good food and drinks.


The IOC will provide light food and soft drinks. If you would like to drink alcohol, please bring some to share. Also, please bring along your own plate, cup and eating utensils. If anyone would like to help by preparing some food, that would be much appreciated. Please contact Estella as soon as possible. Thank you!


As food will be provided, it is necessary for all members and non-members to register for this event in advance. Please send an E-mail to Estella by Wednesday 1st March.

Members free Non-members also welcome, with a 500-yen fee to cover the food.

We’d like to ask everyone to bring some drinks to share if you would like to drink alcohol.


If you would like the IOC to print your photos for you, please Email them to Estella by Wednesday 1st March. All photos must have been taken at official IOC events. Prizes will be given for the best photo in each of the following categories:

- People – IOC members or other people you met along the way
- Scenery – Great views/scenery in the outdoors
- Wildlife – Plants or animals
- Funny – Whatever makes you laugh!
- History – Any photos taken on IOC events more than one year ago

We are also inviting members who have participated in non-IOC outdoor activities to bring a short slide (PowerPoint) presentation for everyone to enjoy.

If you would like to do this, please send an Email to Estella by Wednesday 1st March Thank you!


During Gallery Night, we'll be voting for the new IOC committee members. Anyone interested in joining the IOC committee, should contact one of the present committee members right away. We're always happy to have new faces on the committee, so please don’t hesitate!



Conference room number 2 of Nakanoshima Koukaidou (Osaka Chuo Koukaidou). 



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