Events Calendar

Nakasendo long weekend **
From Saturday, September 17, 2016 -  08:00
To Monday, September 19, 2016 - 17:00
Hits : 2320
Contact Estella

 Saturday 17th until Monday 19th September (national holiday weekend)
** 3-day hike through the Kiso Valley along the historical Nakasendo trail.
Can be extended to a 5-day hike if anyone has free time!

On Saturday we¹ll take a train to Ochiaigawa and then begin hiking east
through beautiful countryside and quaint villages, with many historical
landmarks along the way. The hiking route will not be challenging, but we¹ll
be hiking between 12 and 25km per day carrying packs, so will require some

We¹ll be staying in minshuku costing approx 10,000 yen per night including
breakfast and dinner. As it¹s a holiday weekend, we¹ll need to book in
advance, so please contact Estella by 5th September if you¹re interested in
joining. (estellaioc(a)



Location 中山道 Nakasendo